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I've got a camera I'm trying to love…

Appreciating the D80 before its life is over


Tag: nature

Happy Halloween!

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Well, I don’t have a 5D Mk II (scared off by the focusing/softness issues I’ve been reading), but I do have something new to play with.

Courtesy of a 16-hour marathon ‘work’ session given to me by my evil taskmaster overlord.

Always wanted a zoom, and finding something within budget was extra nice. Was kinda torn between this and the 55-200mm VR, but the fact that the latter wouldn’t work nicely on an FX camera was the selling point. Anyway, walked around the neighbourhood to test it out and all. I remember Felicia showing me her neighbourhood flowers and I was all ‘damn I wish I had that kind of neighbourhood’. Guess I do have some pretty interesting plants around my area too!

Pink Hibiscus! Pretty pink!

Black Chilli. Wonder if it tastes hot…

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So I actually unboxed two new girls and managed to get a pic of this elusive flower, while at the same time my bunch of Amazon books came.

This flower is annoyingly hard to catch. Twice I’ve seen it bloom only to close when I waited for a nicer evening sun. Though nicely, I managed to catch it on a day after a drizzle, so it has nice water droplets. It’s a hibiscus that belongs to my friend.

Also took Metatron out of the box. Like finally, after 2 years. (More after the jump)

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2010 and a chance to do something new. Made several resolutions, not the least of which is to do more art, more photos. So a good start would be to start posting said photos, yes?

Anyhow I started the new year with a trip to the little offshore island of Pulau Ubin. No, it’s not another country, but technically I crossed a small stretch of water to get there, therefore I shall call it my first overseas trip of the year.

Ubin’s still a very laid back place, full of stuff you wouldn’t see in Singapore anymore.

It’s also full of random critters, not the least of which is sleepy dog. (More pics after the jump)

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