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I've got a camera I'm trying to love…

Appreciating the D80 before its life is over


Category: around the house

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It’s been a couple of busy days, or weeks, if you will, with the Lunar New Year and what not. Not entirely what I planned, but I’m never one to complain when things work themselves out. Which reminds me, Happy Lunar New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai, Gong Hei Fatt Choy and Sae hae bok mani badeusaeyo!

To start things off, there’s food. We accidentally smudged the Y on HAPPY, but HAPP works just as well XD

To mark a year of wisdom, as well as the Lunar New Year, I decided to unbox more girls. They’re lovely… Starting with the ever awesome Sheryl Nome from Macross, without that awful blue uniform, of course (Why keep her in that when I can have her in this?!). More after the jump.

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So I actually unboxed two new girls and managed to get a pic of this elusive flower, while at the same time my bunch of Amazon books came.

This flower is annoyingly hard to catch. Twice I’ve seen it bloom only to close when I waited for a nicer evening sun. Though nicely, I managed to catch it on a day after a drizzle, so it has nice water droplets. It’s a hibiscus that belongs to my friend.

Also took Metatron out of the box. Like finally, after 2 years. (More after the jump)

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